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Family-controlled businesses, whether private or public, have always struggled with the board's design and process. There are few resources specifically aimed at the particular dilemmas of directors in family businesses: appropriate representation of concentrated ownership, clarification of roles of family and independent directors, oversight of family and non-family senior executives, family/independent board group process and succession plan.


In the Mexico and around the world, very high pressure has been generated in the Boards of Directors of companies in favor of their professionalization and strengthening of their results. At the same time that regulatory entities, capital markets and the public in general demand more effective controls and fierce global competition forces complex strategic planning.


Companies under family control, whether they are private or move in the capital markets, have struggled a lot with the design and development of board of directors processes. There are few sources dedicated specifically to addressing the unique dilemmas faced by family business directors, such as: adequate representation of ownership, clear definition of the roles of directors, both those who are part of the family and those who are independent , monitoring of family-owned and independent senior executives, group process of family and/or independent boards, and succession planning.

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